Garie Beach to Helensburgh (The Burgh Track)

Photo gallery review of whole walk.
Images are copyright, but more oftern then not wildwalks will give permission for republication for promoting bushwalking.Just contact to ask.

The track between Garie and Little Garie
Wildwalks image id = 31393
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.173477, 151.063694
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Looking down on North Era Beach
Wildwalks image id = 31441
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.177272, 151.059058
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The track through the grasslands on the Burgh Ridge
Wildwalks image id = 33431
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.183291, 151.049177
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The North Era Bushtrack
Wildwalks image id = 33437
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.1831, 151.048375
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The view of the coast from Burgh Ridge (Nth) Int
Wildwalks image id = 33401
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.182352, 151.045913
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Garrawarra Farm
Wildwalks image id = 34076
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.180208, 151.039816
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The view just east of Lady Wakehurst Dr.
Wildwalks image id = 34178
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.180886, 151.028266
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Going down to Lady Wakehurst Dr.
Wildwalks image id = 34175
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.179091, 151.02538
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Along the track
Wildwalks image id = 34169
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.178875, 151.024411
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The Hacking River
Wildwalks image id = 33527
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.177858, 151.02305
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The Hacking River Firetrail
Wildwalks image id = 33563
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.180688, 151.01945
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The large fenced in clearing
Wildwalks image id = 33638
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.177327, 151.003775
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