This half day return walk starts from the Crosslands Reserve and follows a section of the Great North Walk along side Berowra creek, across boardwalks and bush tracks, before climbing steeply up the side of the valley to the Naa Badu Lookout. The lookout provides a great view down, across the valley and along Berowra creek. There are picnic benches and seats making it a great place for lunch. Total climbing: 561m
8.2 km Return 3 hrs 30 mins
Hard track
This walk follows the eastern side of the steep Berowra Creek valley from Galston Gorge to Crosslands and then heads over the ridge to follow Lyrbird Gully up to the train station at Mt Kuring-gai. This enjoyable section of The Great North Walk spends most of the time enjoying the wide tidal creeks in the deep valleys. There are many grass trees and sandstone caves to enjoy as well as several lovely places to camp. Crosslands provides road access, a chance to fill up the water bottle and an optional side trip to motel style accommodation at Crosslands Conventions centre. Total climbing: 846m
12.6 km One way 5 hrs 30 mins
Following mostly along the side of Berowra Creek, along a section of the Great North Walk, this walk is worth spending the day on. Crosslands is a good spot to break at about the half-way mark. Highlights include the views from the top of the ridges between Galston Gorge and Crosslands, and the section of track west of Calana Creek. There are a few nice water falls and classic sandstone formations for the area. Getting to the start may be tricky, but a taxi will drop you off. Total climbing: 974m
12.9 km One way 5 hrs 30 mins
This return walk starts from the Crosslands Reserve and follows the Great North Walk along Berowra creek. The walk includes some boardwalks. After climbing up the side of the valley, the walk comes back down into Berowra Waters. Here you can enjoy lunch by Berowra Creek, at the Garden House restaurant, or catch the free car-ferry across the river to find the fish cafe. Total climbing: 1005m
13.7 km Return 6 hrs
This section of the Great North Walk starts from the Crosslands camping area and winds north alongside Berowra creek, passing through Berowra Waters and climbing up into Cowan. This day walk provides great views of the Berowra creek from the Naa Badu lookout and, as it finishes at the Cowan train station, there are fairly frequent trains running, providing a good transport option for the trip home. Total climbing: 1103m
14 km One way 7 hrs 30 mins
This section of the Great North Walk starts from Hornsby train station and winds down along the Blue Gum Walk into Fishponds and along Berowra Creek. The walk passes through the Tunks Ridge Reserve and then into Galston Gorge. From here the walk keeps following the Berowra Creek through the Crosslands campsite to Calna creek, and then up to Mt Kuring-gai. Note this walk was re-routed in early 2016 to go via the streets of Hornsby Heights. This re-route is due to the multi-agency decision to close the Fishponds to Steele Bridge section of the Benowie Track. This decision has upset many people and the protest continues. Total climbing: 1319m
22.3 km One way 9 hrs
One of the longer day walks in Berowra Valley National Park, this walk mostly follows Berowra Creek along the Great North Walk. Excellent views of the creek can be expected, especially at places like Crosslands and Fishponds. Be sure to pace yourself and take regular breaks. Crosslands and Tunks Ridge Reserve are popular rest places. Note this walk was re-routed in early 2016 to go via the streets of Hornsby Heights. This re-route is due to the multi-agency decision to close the Fishponds to Steele Bridge section of the Benowie Track. This decision has upset many people and the protest continues. Total climbing: 1423m
22.6 km One way 9 hrs 18 mins
From the Crosslands Reserve, this walk heads along the Great North Walk via Berowra Waters, Cowan, Jerusalem Bay and onto Brooklyn. This is one of the prettiest multi-day walks in the area. The walk explores two rivers and ridge tops, giving a great variety of views. The campsite is not the best, and you will need to carry in water. Total climbing: 1757m
27.4 km One way 2 Days
This overnight walk starts from Thornleigh train station and follows the Great North Walk down through the Berowra Valley Regional Park and along Berowra creek. The walk passes through Fishponds and up to the top of Galston Gorge to the campsite. From there, the walk continues along the Great North Walk, down through the gorge and along Berowra Creek to Crosslands Reserve, then back out the well signposted Mt Kuring-gai link track. The walk finishes at the train station, soon after leaving the bush. Note this walk was re-routed in early 2016 to go via the streets of Hornsby Heights. This re-route is due to the multi-agency decision to close the Fishponds to Steele Bridge section of the Benowie Track. This decision has upset many people and the protest continues. Total climbing: 1614m
28.1 km One way 2 Days
Following the Great North Walk and Berowra Creek through Berowra Valley Regional Park, this walk cuts straight through the length of the Park. The views are good, providing a broad idea of what this park has to offer. Conserve your energy for the section between Berowra Waters and Cowan as there are several solid hills. You can refill the tummy in Berowra Waters with a couple cafes to choose from. Note this walk was re-routed in early 2016 to go via the streets of Hornsby Heights. This re-route is due to the multi-agency decision to close the Fishponds to Steele Bridge section of the Benowie Track. This decision has upset many people and the protest continues. Total climbing: 2336m
35.9 km One way 2 Days
This three day walk follows the Great North Walk from Hornsby Station to Brooklyn, staying overnight at the Crosslands Reserve and the Great North Walk ridge top campsite. Some of the highlights along this walk are the sandstone cliffs at Fishponds, the great restaurants at Berowra Waters, and the beautiful Jerusalem Bay at Cowan Creek. Note this walk was re-routed in early 2016 to go via the streets of Hornsby Heights. This re-route is due to the multi-agency decision to close the Fishponds to Steele Bridge section of the Benowie Track. This decision has upset many people and the protest continues. Total climbing: 2695m
43.1 km One way 3 Days
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