Woodford to Blaxland Station

7 hrs 15 mins

519 m

Experienced only

(0km) Woodford Station → Int. Oaks Firetrail and Old Bathurst Rd
730 m
15 mins
Easy track
(0.73km) Int. Oaks Firetrail and Old Bathurst Rd → Int. Oaks Firetrail and cliff lookout Trk
3.5 km
1 hr 10 mins
Moderate track
(4.21km) Int. Oaks Firetrail and cliff lookout Trk → Cliff lookout
100 m
3 mins
Hard track
Cliff Lookout

(4.21km) Int. Oaks Firetrail and cliff lookout Trk → Int. St Helena Ridge Trail and Bunyah Lookout Trk
6.9 km
2 hrs 21 mins
Hard track
Turn left : From the intersection, the walk heads east, down the rocky management trail. The trail winds down the hill, passing over sandy and rocky areas. The trail then flattens out, undulating and winding for quite some time, with the track widening and narrowing greatly in many areas. After some time, the walk enters a large clearing, with a rocky outcrop to the right.
(11.1km) Int. St Helena Ridge Trail and Bunyan Lookout Trk → St Helena Ridge Lookout
4.9 km
1 hr 26 mins
Hard track
Continue straight: From the intersection, the walk heads north-east along the sandy track. The walk meanders through low, green heath for quite some time, winding through a section of pines before returning to heath as the track arrives at the cairn, on the right, which marks the intersection.
Turn sharp right: From the intersection, this walk heads south east along track soon leading downhill. The walk meanders through the heath for quite some time. The walk nears a cliff line on the left, which it continues near for a short time before opening out onto a rocky outcrop with a view across to houses on the opposite hill (just before the steep downhill section).
St Helena Ridge Lookout

(16.03km) St Helena Ridge Lookout → Int. Waterfall and ridge trk
360 m
18 mins
Experienced only
(16.38km) Int. Waterfall and ridge trk → St Helena waterfall
160 m
3 mins
Experienced only
Continue straight: From the beach, the walk heads across the sand bar (covered in reeds) to come within ear-shot of the waterfall, located behind the inlet on the creek. The walk passes through the sandy, shallow section of the creek then walks up the bank and around to the waterfall. At the end of this side trip, retrace your steps back to the main walk then Continue straight.
St Helenas waterfall

(16.38km) Int. Waterfall and ridge trk → Blaxland Library Carpark
1.4 km
34 mins
Experienced only
Turn left : From the large boulder, this walk heads up the hill and climbs the stone steps steeply, with a number of pink ribbons marking the initial track. The track continues steeply (eroded in places) up the hill and winds its way up to the un-signposted T-intersection.
Turn sharp right: From the intersection[2], this walk heads along the mostly flat track along the side of the hill, keeping the valley to your right. Soon the track leads to another intersection at the base of more stone steps, and a rock wall (on the left) that has ‘Florabella Pass’ engraved in it[3].
Continue straight: From the intersection, the walk heads around the boulder (which is on the left) and soon meets a set of stairs, to the left of a ‘Pippas Pass’ sign[4] in a tree.
Turn right: From the intersection[5], this walk follows the ‘Pippas Pass’ sign[6] (that is about 2m up a tree) gently downhill along the track, directly away from the rockface, keeping the main valley to your right. The track winds along the side of the hill for about 100m to then climb up a set of sandstone steps just past a shallow sandstone overhang[7]. From here the track gently undulates along the side of the hill (with a steep valley to your right[8]) for about 300m to lead gently down and cross the usually small creek in the shaded valley[9]. Just after crossing this creek[10], the track bends left to head gently up through the valley along the base of a few natural sandstone walls[11] for about 200m, where the the track becomes rocky and starts to climb a bit more steeply. The track then leads up through a cleft in the rock[12] then about 60m later comes to a unsignposted three-way intersection (with the track on the left crossing the creek), marked with a smooth bark Angophera[13].
Turn left: From the intersection[14], this walk crosses the sandstone platform and creek[15]. Here the track winds gently uphill for about 40m to cross a smaller often dry creek [16] where the track continues uphill for another 30m to pass a grafittied sandstone overhang (on your left)[17]. The track continues gently uphill and bends right to cross a sandstone rock platform and small creek[18] to almost immediately come to a faint intersection with a track in the tall heath[19]. Here the walk turns left and heads uphill for for about 50m where the track then leads up some steps to come to the base of a sandstone cliff and smaller overhang[20]. Here the track bends left and and continues along the side of the hill for another 15m to pass a larger and more grafittied sandstone overhang[21]. From here the track continues to wind more steeply uphill for about 80m before turning left and following a wider track (away from the houses) and into the lower car park of Blaxland library just past the ‘Bushcare site’ information sign[22]. Here this walk turns right to head up to the library and main car park[23].
(17.78km) Blaxland Library Carpark → Blaxland shops
460 m
9 mins
Very easy
(18.24km) Blaxland Shops → Blaxland Station
70 m
1 mins
Very easy
Maps for the Woodford to Blaxland Station walk
You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.
Springwood | 1:25 000 Map Series | 90304S SPRINGWOOD | NSW-90304S |
Penrith | 1:25 000 Map Series | 90303N PENRITH | NSW-90303N |
Jamison | 1:25 000 Map Series | 89302N JAMISON | NSW-89302N |
Katoomba | 1:25 000 Map Series | 89301S KATOOMBA | NSW-89301S |
Penrith | 1:100 000 Map Series | 9030 PENRITH | 9030 |
Katoomba | 1:100 000 Map Series | 8930 KATOOMBA | 8930 |
Cross sectional view of the Woodford to Blaxland Station bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Woodford to Blaxland Station

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001
Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.
Length | 18.3 km | ||
Time | 7 hrs 15 mins | ||
. | |||
![]() Grade 5/6 Experienced only |
AS 2156.1 | Gradient | Very steep (4/6) |
Quality of track | Rough unclear track (5/6) | ||
Signs | No directional signs (5/6) | ||
Experience Required | Moderate level of bushwalking experience recommended (4/6) | ||
Weather | Storms may impact on navigation and safety (3/6) | ||
Infrastructure | No facilities provided (5/6) |
Some more details of this walks Grading
Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk
11km of this walk has short steep hills and another 4.7km has gentle hills with occasional steps. Whilst another 1.6km is flat with no steps and the remaining 470m is very steep.
Quality of track
11km of this walk follows a rough track, where fallen trees and other obstacles are likely and another 6km follows a formed track, with some branches and other obstacles. Whilst another 1.3km follows a smooth and hardened path and a 450m section follows a rough unclear track. The remaining 55m follows a clear and well formed track or trail.
11km of this walk has minimal directional signs and another 6km has directional signs at most intersection. Whilst another 1.3km is clearly signposted and the remaining 100m Has no directional signs.
Experience Required
17km of this walk requires no previous bushwalking experience and another 1.3km requires some bushwalking experience. The remaining (110m) requires a leader a with moderate level of bushwalking experience.
Around 17km of this walk is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation), whilst the remaining 1.3km is affected by storms that may impact your navigation and safety.
11km of this walk has limited facilities (such as cliffs not fenced, significant creeks not bridged) and another 6km has limited facilities (such as not all cliffs fenced). Whilst another 1.3km is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) and the remaining 100m has no facilities provided.
Similar walks
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Plan your trip to and from the walk here
The Woodford to Blaxland Station walk starts at the Woodford Station (gps: -33.735763, 150.48228)Your transport options to Woodford Station are by;

(get details)

The Woodford to Blaxland Station ends at the Blaxland Station (gps: -33.743785, 150.60987)
Your transport options to Blaxland Station are by;

(get details)
Fire Danger
Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.Weather Forest
This walk starts in the Central Tablelands weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.Forecast snapshot
Park Information & Alerts
Short URL = http://wild.tl/wtbs
Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)
Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂