Matcham to Gosford

Download & Print Map and Notes

3 hrs 45 mins

8.5 km One way

381 m

Hard track

This walk starts at the bottom of Katandra Reserve and heads up the hill, exploring the ridge on the way to Gosford Station. You will visit a wide variety of plant communities and some lovely vistas over the surrounding towns and water. Along some of the secluded sections, you may forget that you are so close to houses. You will also find a few picnic areas and lookouts along the way, providing great places to rest.

Maps for the Matcham to Gosford walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Matcham to Gosford bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Matcham to Gosford

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 8.5 km
Time 3 hrs 45 mins

Grade 4/6

Hard track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Short steep hills (3/6)
Quality of track Formed track, with some branches and other obstacles (3/6)
Signs Minimal directional signs (4/6)
Experience Required Some bushwalking experience recommended (3/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Limited facilities, not all cliffs are fenced (3/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


Around 5km of this walk has gentle hills with occasional steps, whilst the remaining 3.3km has short steep hills.

Quality of track

4.3km of this walk follows a clear and well formed track or trail and another 4km follows a formed track, with some branches and other obstacles. The remaining (110m) follows a smooth and hardened path.


4.7km of this walk has directional signs at most intersection and another 2.7km is clearly signposted. The remaining (1km) has minimal directional signs.

Experience Required

Around 5km of this walk requires no previous bushwalking experience, whilst the remaining 3.3km requires some bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 8km is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


Around 6km of this walk is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats), whilst the remaining 2.5km has limited facilities (such as not all cliffs fenced).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Matcham to Gosford walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Matcham to Gosford walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Matcham to Gosford walk starts at the Katandra Rd Gate (gps: -33.415032, 151.3965)
Your transport options to Katandra Rd Gate are by;
Bus. (get details)
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Train. (get details)

The Matcham to Gosford ends at the Gosford Station (gps: -33.42348, 151.34176)
Your transport options to Gosford Station are by;
Bus. (get details)
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

St Johns Lookout

And Walk

10 mins

166 m Return

13 m

Very easy

This is a very short walk across the picnic area to the lookout – you can see the end of the walk from the start. The council has installed a sandstone footpath that arcs around the picnic area and leads to St Johns Lookout. The path also leads to picnic tables and accessible toilets. You will also find electric BBQs, just off from the path. A great spot with some shade, the view from the lookout is great on a sunny day.

Maps for the St Johns Lookout walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the St Johns Lookout bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the St Johns Lookout

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 166 m
Time 10 mins

Grade 1/6

Very easy

AS 2156.1 Gradient Flat, no steps (1/6)
Quality of track Smooth and hardened path (1/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required No experience required (1/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Generally useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) (1/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


This whole walk, 85m is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

This whole walk, 85m follows a smooth and hardened path.


This whole walk, 85m is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

This whole walk, 85m requires no previous bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 85m is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


This whole walk, 85m is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the St Johns Lookout walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the St Johns Lookout walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The St Johns Lookout walk starts and ends at the Katandra’s Mobility Parking (gps: -33.405741, 151.39085)
Your main transport option to Katandra’s Mobility Parking is by;
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Seymour Pond

And Walk

30 mins

890 m Return

45 m

Easy track

This short walk takes you from the Katandra Rd Picnic Area to Seymour Pond. The pond was made to support a farm that was once in the area, and now the pond support many water birds. There is a simple picnic area and plenty of shady spots at the pond, making a nice place to sit and enjoy the birds. These notes also describe two side trips to some other interesting spots near the pond.

Maps for the Seymour Pond walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Seymour Pond bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Seymour Pond

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 890 m
Time 30 mins

Grade 2/6

Easy track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Gentle hills with occasional steps (2/6)
Quality of track Clear and well formed track or trail (2/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required No experience required (1/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Generally useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) (1/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


This whole walk, 450m has gentle hills with occasional steps.

Quality of track

This whole walk, 450m follows a clear and well formed track or trail.


This whole walk, 450m is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

This whole walk, 450m requires no previous bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 450m is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


This whole walk, 450m is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Seymour Pond walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Seymour Pond walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Seymour Pond walk starts and ends at the Katandra Rd picnic area (gps: -33.414582, 151.39599)
Your transport options to Katandra Rd picnic area are by;
Bus. (get details)
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Guringai Walk

And Walk

45 mins

1.2 km Circuit

80 m

Moderate track

This is a surprisingly spectacular walk, following the base of the cliff below St Johns Lookout. From the car park, you will follow a gentle track through the bush before heading down some stairs to the cliff face. Handrails and timber walkways have been installed to make this walk more accessible. You will pass some large Angophora, Blackbutts and plenty of fern trees. A highlight of the walk comes when you follow the ledge next right next to the cliff.

Maps for the Guringai Walk walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Guringai Walk bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Guringai Walk

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 1.2 km
Time 45 mins

Grade 3/6

Moderate track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Short steep hills (3/6)
Quality of track Clear and well formed track or trail (2/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required No experience required (1/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Generally useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) (1/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


790m of this walk has short steep hills and another 240m has gentle hills with occasional steps. The remaining (210m) is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

This whole walk, 1.2km follows a clear and well formed track or trail.


This whole walk, 1.2km is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

This whole walk, 1.2km requires no previous bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 1.2km is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


This whole walk, 1.2km is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Guringai Walk walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Guringai Walk walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Guringai Walk walk starts and ends at the St Johns Lookout car park (gps: -33.406508, 151.39009)
Your main transport option to St Johns Lookout car park is by;
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Graves Walk

And Walk

45 mins

1.5 km One way

13 m

Moderate track

On this walk, you follow the signposted Graves Walk between the two main picnic area in Katandra Reserve. Starting near St Johns Lookout, this walk follows Graves Walking track down the ridge. You will see some valley views, open drier forest, some faint Aboriginal markings and plenty of interesting rock formations. This is the most direct walking route between the two picnic areas.

Maps for the Graves Walk walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Graves Walk bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Graves Walk

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 1.5 km
Time 45 mins

Grade 3/6

Moderate track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Short steep hills (3/6)
Quality of track Formed track, with some branches and other obstacles (3/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required Some bushwalking experience recommended (3/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Generally useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) (1/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


1.2km of this walk has short steep hills and another 140m has gentle hills with occasional steps. The remaining (80m) is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

1.2km of this walk follows a formed track, with some branches and other obstacles and another 150m follows a clear and well formed track or trail. The remaining (70m) follows a smooth and hardened path.


This whole walk, 1.5km is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

Around 940m of this walk requires no previous bushwalking experience, whilst the remaining 520m requires some bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 1.5km is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


This whole walk, 1.5km is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Graves Walk walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Graves Walk walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Graves Walk walk starts at the St Johns Lookout car park (gps: -33.406508, 151.39009)
Your main transport option to St Johns Lookout car park is by;
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

The Graves Walk ends at the Katandra Rd Gate (gps: -33.415032, 151.3965)
Your transport options to Katandra Rd Gate are by;
Bus. (get details)
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Watermans Walk

And Walk

45 mins

1.6 km Circuit

67 m

Easy track

This lovely walk start from the Katandra Rd Picnic Area and circumnavigates Seymour Pond. On this walk, you will head through a few palm-filled valleys, discover a Strangler Fig Tube (on a side trip) and are likely to see a few water birds. Take some snacks and enjoy one of the resting areas – sit quietly and you might spot a water lizard or Lyrebird. This walk is well-signposted and follows a clear track.

Maps for the Watermans Walk walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Watermans Walk bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Watermans Walk

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 1.6 km
Time 45 mins

Grade 2/6

Easy track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Gentle hills with occasional steps (2/6)
Quality of track Clear and well formed track or trail (2/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required No experience required (1/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Generally useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) (1/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


Around 1.4km of this walk has gentle hills with occasional steps, whilst the remaining 180m is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

This whole walk, 1.6km follows a clear and well formed track or trail.


This whole walk, 1.6km is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

This whole walk, 1.6km requires no previous bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 1.6km is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


This whole walk, 1.6km is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Watermans Walk walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Watermans Walk walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Watermans Walk walk starts and ends at the Katandra Rd picnic area (gps: -33.414582, 151.39599)
Your transport options to Katandra Rd picnic area are by;
Bus. (get details)
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Strangler Fig Walk

Download & Print Map and Notes

1 Hr

2 km Return

96 m

Moderate track

Starting from the Katandra Rd Picnic Area, you will head past Seymour Pond and along Toomey Walk to the Strangler Fig platform. You will see two magnificent examples of Strangler Fig trees – one growing on a large rock and the other forming a knotted tubular structure. A lovely walk through the dense forest, along a well-formed track. If you have a little extra time, the Watermans walk is a great addition to your visit to the valley.

Maps for the Strangler Fig Walk walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Strangler Fig Walk bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Strangler Fig Walk

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 2 km
Time 1 Hr

Grade 3/6

Moderate track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Short steep hills (3/6)
Quality of track Clear and well formed track or trail (2/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required No experience required (1/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Generally useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) (1/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


500m of this walk has gentle hills with occasional steps and another 420m has short steep hills. The remaining (70m) is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

This whole walk, 990m follows a clear and well formed track or trail.


This whole walk, 990m is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

This whole walk, 990m requires no previous bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 990m is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


This whole walk, 990m is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Strangler Fig Walk walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Strangler Fig Walk walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Strangler Fig Walk walk starts and ends at the Katandra Rd picnic area (gps: -33.414582, 151.39599)
Your transport options to Katandra Rd picnic area are by;
Bus. (get details)
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



Short URL =

Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Toomeys Walk

And Walk

1 hr 30 mins

2.9 km One way

135 m

Moderate track

This walk is a great way to explore the diverse forests of Katandra Reserve. Starting with the views from St Johns Lookout, this walk heads through the open forest, past many mossy rocks, then heads into the valley and rainforest. On the valley floor, the walk gently meanders past some great examples of Strangler Figs on the way to Seymour Pond. From the pond, you walk through another palm-filled valley and then open forest, before arriving at the Katandra Rd Picnic Area.

Maps for the Toomeys Walk walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Toomeys Walk bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Toomeys Walk

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 2.9 km
Time 1 hr 30 mins

Grade 3/6

Moderate track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Short steep hills (3/6)
Quality of track Clear and well formed track or trail (2/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required Some bushwalking experience recommended (3/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Limited facilities, not all cliffs are fenced (3/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


1.5km of this walk has short steep hills and another 1.3km has gentle hills with occasional steps. The remaining (200m) is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

Around 2.8km of this walk follows a clear and well formed track or trail, whilst the remaining 70m follows a smooth and hardened path.


This whole walk, 2.9km is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

Around 1.5km of this walk requires some bushwalking experience, whilst the remaining 1.4km requires no previous bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 2.9km is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


Around 1.5km of this walk has limited facilities (such as not all cliffs fenced), whilst the remaining 1.4km is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Toomeys Walk walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Toomeys Walk walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Toomeys Walk walk starts at the St Johns Lookout car park (gps: -33.406505, 151.39009)
Your main transport option to St Johns Lookout car park is by;
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

The Toomeys Walk ends at the Katandra Rd Gate (gps: -33.415032, 151.3965)
Your transport options to Katandra Rd Gate are by;
Bus. (get details)
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara)

Download & Print Map and Notes

2 hrs

4.1 km One way

139 m

Hard track

This walk follows a series of tracks and management trails along the top of the ridge between Katandra and Rumbalara Reserves. You will at times think you are a million miles from anywhere and other times enjoy views across the suburbs of the Central Coast and out to sea. In spring and early summer, you will discover many wildflowers. There are a few picnic tables with views, great spots for a snack and a rest on your walk.

Maps for the Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara) walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara) bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara)

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 4.1 km
Time 2 hrs

Grade 4/6

Hard track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Short steep hills (3/6)
Quality of track Formed track, with some branches and other obstacles (3/6)
Signs Minimal directional signs (4/6)
Experience Required Some bushwalking experience recommended (3/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Limited facilities, not all cliffs are fenced (3/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


3km of this walk has gentle hills with occasional steps and another 1km has short steep hills. The remaining (80m) is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

Around 2.4km of this walk follows a clear and well formed track or trail, whilst the remaining 1.7km follows a formed track, with some branches and other obstacles.


3.4km of this walk has directional signs at most intersection and another 390m is clearly signposted. The remaining (340m) has minimal directional signs.

Experience Required

Around 2.6km of this walk requires no previous bushwalking experience, whilst the remaining 1.5km requires some bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 4.1km is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


Around 3.5km of this walk is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats), whilst the remaining 610m has limited facilities (such as not all cliffs fenced).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara) walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara) walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara) walk starts at the St Johns Lookout car park (gps: -33.406508, 151.39009)
Your main transport option to St Johns Lookout car park is by;
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

The Mouat Trail (Katandra to Rumbalara) ends at the Int of Mouat Walk and Dolly Ave (gps: -33.423723, 151.36051)
Your main transport option to Int of Mouat Walk and Dolly Ave is by;
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



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Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂

Katandra Circuit

And Walk

2 hrs 15 mins

4.8 km Circuit

308 m

Moderate track

This walk explores many highlights in Katandra Reserve. Starting from St Johns Lookout, this walk winds down the hill into the much denser forest of the valley, enjoy many interesting rock formations on the way. Once in the valley, you walk past some fantastic examples of strangler figs before heading around Seymour Pond, enjoying the water birds. After resting at one of the picnic areas, you follow Graves Walk up the ridge, enjoying the open and dryer forest before returning to the car park.

Maps for the Katandra Circuit walk

You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.
These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.

Gosford 1:25 000 Map Series 91312S GOSFORD NSW-91312S
Gosford 1:100 000 Map Series 9131 GOSFORD 9131

Cross sectional view of the Katandra Circuit bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Katandra Circuit

Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001

Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.

Length 4.8 km
Time 2 hrs 15 mins

Grade 3/6

Moderate track

AS 2156.1 Gradient Short steep hills (3/6)
Quality of track Formed track, with some branches and other obstacles (3/6)
Signs Clearly signposted (1/6)
Experience Required Some bushwalking experience recommended (3/6)
Weather Weather generally has little impact on safety (1/6)
Infrastructure Limited facilities, not all cliffs are fenced (3/6)

Some more details of this walks Grading

Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk


2.7km of this walk has short steep hills and another 1.8km has gentle hills with occasional steps. The remaining (320m) is flat with no steps.

Quality of track

Around 3.6km of this walk follows a clear and well formed track or trail, whilst the remaining 1.2km follows a formed track, with some branches and other obstacles.


This whole walk, 4.8km is clearly signposted.

Experience Required

Around 2.8km of this walk requires no previous bushwalking experience, whilst the remaining 2km requires some bushwalking experience.


This whole walk, 4.8km is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation).


Around 3.3km of this walk is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats), whilst the remaining 1.5km has limited facilities (such as not all cliffs fenced).

Similar walks

A list of walks that share part of the track with the Katandra Circuit walk.

Other Nearby walks

A list of walks that start near the Katandra Circuit walk.

Plan your trip to and from the walk here

The Katandra Circuit walk starts and ends at the St Johns Lookout car park (gps: -33.406505, 151.39009)
Your main transport option to St Johns Lookout car park is by;
Car. There is free parking available.
(get details)

Fire Danger

Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.

Weather Forest

This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.

Forecast snapshot

Park Information & Alerts



Short URL =

Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)

Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂