Turn right: From the pond viewing point, this walk follows the dirt track, keeping the pond on the left. The track skirts around the pond and soon comes to a ‘Seymour Pond’ sign and a couple of picnic tables.
Veer right: From the picnic area, this walk heads away from the pond, following the left-hand ‘Waterman walk’ arrow (next to the locked gate) into the bush and across a couple of small bridges. The track passes post ‘5’ (an old wombat hole) then sharply bends right, soon passing the ‘Commemorating 10 years of bushcaring in Katandra Reserve’ plaque
[7], where this walk then heads down some stairs. After walking through the palm filled valley for a short distance, the walk heads up the steps and, soon after passing the house and fence (on the left), comes to a three-way intersection marked with a post (with blue and white arrows).
Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the lower arrow up the steps and turns left in front of the locked gate. The walk follows these steps up the hill, then soon flattens out as the track comes to a picnic area and car park.